The 10-Day Experiment. Are You In? - Phillips Lifestyles

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The 10-Day Experiment. Are You In?

We’re hot tubbers. We know that using a hot tub as part of a daily routine leads to positive results for the mind and body.

We believe the best hot tub benefits come with frequent soaks and we want to “test the theory,” so to speak. So we’re looking for a few volunteers to join us.

The Benefits of Hot Tubbing

The Circulation system begins to change. 60,000 miles of veins, arteries, and capillaries begin to open up, allowing white blood cells to better defend and protect. Red blood cells carry more oxygen and nutrients while toxins are carried away. Muscles are fed, and the circulatory system is revitalized. As a result of increased circulation, pain is reduced, flexibility is increased and you sleep better.

Hydrotherapy – The combination of heat, buoyancy and massage lessens harmful stress hormones and triggers the release of endorphins that dull pain by binding to nerve receptors. Lactic acid is moved from muscles and recovery time is reduced.

Range of Motion is increased, helping you become more agile and more active. In a Mayo Clinic study featuring 141,000 participants, water exercise resulted in a 12.8 decrease in pain and a 18.2 percent decrease in perception of difficulty.

Simulates Exercise – One study showed that time spent in a hot tub increased heart rate 25.7 beats while lowering blood pressure. In the American Heart Journal, a study significant improvement in mood, physical capacity, enjoyment, and less heart failure related symptoms.

Regular hot tub users often comment that they feel more relaxed and rejuvenated.

Some say their joints and muscles feel more flexible. Others use the time to quiet their thoughts while relaxing their bodies. Still others used the time to simply catch up with the people in their families and begin to reconnect in a meaningful way.

These  kinds of positive changes are why most people invest in a Caldera hot tub and why they use them on a regular basis.

You might have also noticed the name of our blog, “The 20-Minute Renewal.” It’s filled with ideas and topics that allow you to make positive changes in your life with just a minimal investment of time. It’s an idea that began with our belief that time spent in a hot tubis one of the easiest, fastest and most enjoyable ways to create substantial positive change.

With that in mind, we’d like to propose an experiment and we’re inviting you to participate. Are you a daily hot tub user? Have you been out of the routine of hot tubbing and want a reason to start again? Here’s your opportunity. For the next 10 days, take a daily 20-minute soak and note any changes you notice.

Did you feel better? Sleep better? Were you feel more relaxed, limber, less stressed and ready to take on the world from a fresh perspective? Did you experience fewer aches and pains? Were there other benefits you’ve noticed?

If you’ve never tried a 20-minute soak every day, that’s even better!

We’re encouraging you to give it a try, once a day for 10 days straight. And then, we invite you to share your experience with our other readers. In addition to changes you noticed, please let us know what time of day you chose. Mornings for a fresh start? Evenings as a way to unwind at the end of the day? Right before bed?

You may discover a new approach to each and every day that delivers great dividends. Share your story with us here or on Facebook. We look forward to hearing your story.

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